
The Catalogue

The Catalogue is an index of Unexplained Objects. These objects, seemingly at random, are aware of their surrounding and, given the proper motivation, able to act. What the object does is often tied to its function (such as a lighting causing spontaneous combustion) , but also its circumstances (such as the same lighter only torching lawyers because it was owned by a corrupt attorney who soured it against the profession). One might think of these objects as Karmic Rewards and Punishments.

As Procurement Agents for the Catalogue, the PCs are tasked to tracking down these objects, investigating them, and if need be, procuring them. As a privet enterprise, the Catalogue has no legal authority to claim these objects and only so many funds to deal with legal disputes, so getting the objects without entanglements is important.

To pay the bills, the catalogue also sells and trades the more benign objects to Keep the Coffers full.

In addition, some people are Born Different with features that one might find in a fantasy novel or cheep science fiction series such as pointed ears, oddly colored eyes, scaly skin, a tail, or a combination of multiple traits. This Weirdness is Normal for most people, even though it can't be traced to genetics or environment, and the traits variety enough to prevent easy classification.

Because Violence Only Breeds More Violence, you get +2 when cleverly creating advantage or overcoming an obstacle when non-violently resisting or avoiding a violent opponent.

Because Nature Loves a Clown, you get +2 when Flashily defending when making a fool hearty risk that really isn't necessary.

Because Every Agent is a Part Time Therapist, you get +2 when Carefully creating an advantage when analyzing a unexplained object.

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