
Quick Hack: oWoD Botches

I've been trying to write something about the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade but I haven't gotten very far with that. Instead here are two takes on the botch mechanics that I've been thinking about.

Both hacks assume you're ignore the rule that 1's cancel successes.

The Easy Way: Just ignore botches. It simplifies things nicely and speeds up combat a tiny bit. Plus, you (and when I say you, I mean me) don't have to worry that players are going to forget what 1's do.

The Botch Dice: Steal from West End Game's d6 system and have a single dice in the pool that can trigger a botch (if that dice comes up with a 1 and none of your other dice come up with successes, you botch). This should remove some of the probability weirdness with botches and make them a less common (even the people that like botches might agree that having them show up all the time makes them less special).

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